Simple Tiled Server

The Simple Tiled Server is a utility for easily launching Tiled servers intended for tutorials and development. It employs only basic security and should not be used to store anything important. It does not scale to large number of users. By default, it uses temporary storage.

from tiled.server import SimpleTiledServer
from tiled.client import from_uri

server = SimpleTiledServer()
client = from_uri(server.uri)

The server can be stopped by calling server.close(). Only one server may be run at a time, per Python process.

By default, the Simple Tiled Server allocates a temporary directory for storage, including files, embedded databases, and server logs. Its location is given at The temporary directory is removed when the server is stopped.

To use persistent storage, specify a directory. If it does not exist, it will be created. It will not be removed when the server is stopped.

server = SimpleTiledServer("my_data/")