Source code for tiled.client.sparse

from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse

import numpy
import sparse
from ndindex import ndindex

from ..serialization.table import deserialize_arrow, serialize_arrow
from ..utils import APACHE_ARROW_FILE_MIME_TYPE
from .base import BaseClient
from .utils import export_util, handle_error, params_from_slice

[docs] class SparseClient(BaseClient): @property def dims(self): return self.structure().dims @property def shape(self): return self.structure().shape @property def chunks(self): return self.structure().chunks @property def ndim(self): return len(self.structure().shape) def __repr__(self): structure = self.structure() attrs = {"shape": structure.shape, "chunks": structure.chunks} if structure.dims: attrs["dims"] = structure.dims return ( f"<{type(self).__name__}" + "".join(f" {k}={v}" for k, v in attrs.items()) + ">" ) def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def todense(self, *args, **kwargs): "Return a dense numpy array. May be large." return*args, **kwargs) def read_block(self, block, slice=None): # Fetch the data as an Apache Arrow table # with columns named dim0, dim1, ..., dimN, data. structure = self.structure() url_path = self.item["links"]["block"] params = {**parse_qs(urlparse(url_path).query), **params_from_slice(slice)} params["block"] = ",".join(map(str, block)) content = handle_error( self.context.http_client.get( url_path, headers={"Accept": APACHE_ARROW_FILE_MIME_TYPE}, params=params, ) ).read() df = deserialize_arrow(content) original_shape = structure.shape if slice is not None: sliced_shape = ndindex(slice).newshape(original_shape) else: sliced_shape = original_shape ndim = len(sliced_shape) return sparse.COO( data=df["data"].values, coords=numpy.stack([df[f"dim{i}"].values for i in range(ndim)]), shape=sliced_shape, )
[docs] def read(self, slice=None): # Fetch the data as an Apache Arrow table # with columns named dim0, dim1, ..., dimN, data. structure = self.structure() url_path = self.item["links"]["full"] params = {**parse_qs(urlparse(url_path).query), **params_from_slice(slice)} content = handle_error( self.context.http_client.get( url_path, headers={"Accept": APACHE_ARROW_FILE_MIME_TYPE}, params=params, ) ).read() df = deserialize_arrow(content) original_shape = structure.shape if slice is not None: sliced_shape = ndindex(slice).newshape(original_shape) else: sliced_shape = original_shape ndim = len(sliced_shape) return sparse.COO( data=df["data"].values, coords=numpy.stack([df[f"dim{i}"].values for i in range(ndim)]), shape=sliced_shape, )
[docs] def write(self, coords, data): import pandas d = {f"dim{i}": coords for i, coords in enumerate(coords)} d["data"] = data df = pandas.DataFrame(d) handle_error( self.context.http_client.put( self.item["links"]["full"], content=bytes(serialize_arrow(df, {})), headers={"Content-Type": APACHE_ARROW_FILE_MIME_TYPE}, ) )
[docs] def write_block(self, coords, data, block): import pandas d = {f"dim{i}": coords for i, coords in enumerate(coords)} d["data"] = data df = pandas.DataFrame(d) handle_error( self.context.http_client.put( self.item["links"]["block"].format(*block), content=bytes(serialize_arrow(df, {})), headers={"Content-Type": APACHE_ARROW_FILE_MIME_TYPE}, ) )
def __getitem__(self, slice): return
[docs] def export(self, filepath, *, format=None, slice=None): """ Download data in some format and write to a file. Parameters ---------- file: str or buffer Filepath or writeable buffer. format : str, optional If format is None and `file` is a filepath, the format is inferred from the name, like 'table.csv' implies format="text/csv". The format may be given as a file extension ("csv") or a media type ("text/csv"). slice : List[slice], optional List of slice objects. A convenient way to generate these is shown in the examples. Examples -------- Export all. >>> a.export("numbers.csv") Export an N-dimensional slice. >>> import numpy >>> a.export("numbers.csv", slice=numpy.s_[:10, 50:100]) """ params = params_from_slice(slice) return export_util( filepath, format, self.context.http_client.get, self.item["links"]["full"], params=params, )