Source code for tiled.client.base

import time
import warnings
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from dataclasses import asdict
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse

import json_merge_patch
import jsonpatch
import orjson
from httpx import URL

from ..structures.core import STRUCTURE_TYPES, Spec, StructureFamily
from ..structures.data_source import DataSource
from ..utils import UNCHANGED, DictView, ListView, patch_mimetypes, safe_json_dump
from .metadata_update import apply_update_patch
from .utils import MSGPACK_MIME_TYPE, handle_error

class MetadataRevisions:
    def __init__(self, context, link):
        self._cached_len = None
        self.context = context
        self._link = link

    def __len__(self):
        LENGTH_CACHE_TTL = 1  # second

        now = time.monotonic()
        if self._cached_len is not None:
            length, deadline = self._cached_len
            if now < deadline:
                # Used the cached value and do not make any request.
                return length

        content = handle_error(
                headers={"Accept": MSGPACK_MIME_TYPE},
                    "page[offset]": 0,
                    "page[limit]": 0,
        length = content["meta"]["count"]
        self._cached_len = (length, now + LENGTH_CACHE_TTL)
        return length

    def __getitem__(self, item_):
        self._cached_len = None

        if isinstance(item_, int):
            offset = item_
            limit = 1

            content = handle_error(
                    headers={"Accept": MSGPACK_MIME_TYPE},
                        "page[offset]": offset,
                        "page[limit]": limit,
            (result,) = content["data"]
            return result

        elif isinstance(item_, slice):
            offset = item_.start
            if offset is None:
                offset = 0
            if item_.stop is None:
                params = f"?page[offset]={offset}"
                limit = item_.stop - offset
                params = f"?page[offset]={offset}&page[limit]={limit}"

            next_page_url = self._link + params
            result = []
            while next_page_url is not None:
                content = handle_error(
                        next_page_url, headers={"Accept": MSGPACK_MIME_TYPE}
                if len(result) == 0:
                    result = content.copy()
                next_page_url = content["links"]["next"]

            return result["data"]

    def delete_revision(self, n):
                self._link, params={**parse_qs(urlparse(self._link).query), "number": n}

[docs] class BaseClient: # The HTTP spec does not define a size limit for URIs, # but a common setting is 4K or 8K (for all the headers together). # As another reference point, Internet Explorer imposes a # 2048-character limit on URLs. URL_CHARACTER_LIMIT = 2_000 # number of characters
[docs] def __init__( self, context, *, item, structure_clients, structure=None, include_data_sources=False, ): self._context = context self._item = item self._cached_len = None # a cache just for __len__ self.structure_clients = structure_clients self._metadata_revisions = None self._include_data_sources = include_data_sources attributes = self.item["attributes"] structure_family = attributes["structure_family"] if structure is not None: # Allow the caller to optionally hand us a structure that is already # parsed from a dict into a structure dataclass. self._structure = structure elif structure_family == StructureFamily.container: self._structure = None else: structure_type = STRUCTURE_TYPES[attributes["structure_family"]] self._structure = structure_type.from_json(attributes["structure"]) super().__init__()
[docs] def structure(self): """ Return a dataclass describing the structure of the data. """ if getattr(self._structure, "resizable", None): # In the future, conditionally fetch updated information. raise NotImplementedError( "The server has indicated that this has a dynamic, resizable " "structure and this version of the Tiled Python client cannot " "cope with that." ) return self._structure
[docs] def login(self): """ Depending on the server's authentication method, this will prompt for username/password: >>> c.login() Username: USERNAME Password: <input is hidden> or prompt you to open a link in a web browser to login with a third party: >>> c.login() You have ... minutes visit this URL https://... and enter the code: XXXX-XXXX """ self.context.authenticate()
[docs] def logout(self): """ Log out. This method is idempotent: if you are already logged out, it will do nothing. """ self.context.logout()
def __repr__(self): return f"<{type(self).__name__}>" @property def context(self): return self._context def refresh(self): content = handle_error( self.context.http_client.get( self.uri, headers={"Accept": MSGPACK_MIME_TYPE}, params={ **parse_qs(urlparse(self.uri).query), "include_data_sources": self._include_data_sources, }, ) ).json() self._item = content["data"] if self.structure_family != StructureFamily.container: structure_type = STRUCTURE_TYPES[self.structure_family] self._structure = structure_type.from_json( self._item["attributes"]["structure"] ) return self @property def item(self): "JSON payload describing this item. Mostly for internal use." return self._item @property def metadata(self): "Metadata about this data source." # Ensure this is immutable (at the top level) to help the user avoid # getting the wrong impression that editing this would update anything # persistent. return DictView(self._item["attributes"]["metadata"])
[docs] def metadata_copy(self): """ Generate a mutable copy of metadata and specs for validating metadata (useful with update_metadata()) """ metadata = deepcopy(self._item["attributes"]["metadata"]) specs = [Spec(**spec) for spec in self._item["attributes"]["specs"]] return [metadata, specs] # returning as list of mutable items
@property def specs(self): "List of specifications describing the structure of the metadata and/or data." return ListView([Spec(**spec) for spec in self._item["attributes"]["specs"]]) @property def uri(self): "Direct link to this entry" return self.item["links"]["self"] @property def structure_family(self): "Quick access to this entry" return StructureFamily[self.item["attributes"]["structure_family"]] def data_sources(self): if not self._include_data_sources: warnings.warn( """Calling include_data_sources().refresh(). To fetch the data sources up front, call include_data_sources() on the client or pass the optional parameter `include_data_sources=True` to `from_uri(...)` or similar.""" ) data_sources_json = ( self.include_data_sources().item["attributes"].get("data_sources") ) if data_sources_json is None: return None return [DataSource.from_json(d) for d in data_sources_json] def include_data_sources(self): """ Ensure that data source and asset information is fetched. If it has already been fetched, this is a no-op. """ if self._include_data_sources: return self # no op return self.new_variation(include_data_sources=True).refresh()
[docs] def new_variation( self, structure_clients=UNCHANGED, include_data_sources=UNCHANGED, structure=UNCHANGED, **kwargs, ): """ This is intended primarily for internal use and use by subclasses. """ if structure_clients is UNCHANGED: structure_clients = self.structure_clients if include_data_sources is UNCHANGED: include_data_sources = self._include_data_sources if structure is UNCHANGED: structure = self._structure return type(self)( self.context, item=self._item, structure=structure, structure_clients=structure_clients, include_data_sources=include_data_sources, **kwargs, )
def asset_manifest(self, data_sources): """ Return a manifest of the relative paths of the contents in each asset. This return a dictionary keyed on asset ID. Assets backed by a single file are mapped to None (no manifest). Asset backed by a directory of files are mapped to a list of relative paths. Parameters ---------- data_sources : dict The value returned by ``.data_sources()``. This is passed in explicitly to avoid fetching it twice in common usages. It also enables passing in a subset of the data_sources of interest. """ manifests = {} for data_source in data_sources: manifest_link = self.item["links"]["self"].replace( "/metadata", "/asset/manifest", 1 ) for asset in data_source.assets: if asset.is_directory: manifest = handle_error( self.context.http_client.get( manifest_link, params={ **parse_qs(urlparse(manifest_link).query), "id":, }, ) ).json()["manifest"] else: manifest = None manifests[] = manifest return manifests def raw_export(self, destination_directory=None, max_workers=4): """ Download the raw assets backing this node. This may produce a single file or a directory. Parameters ---------- destination_directory : Path, optional Destination for downloaded assets. Default is current working directory max_workers : int, optional Number of parallel workers downloading data. Default is 4. Returns ------- paths : List[Path] Filepaths of exported files """ if destination_directory is None: destination_directory = Path.cwd() else: destination_directory = Path(destination_directory) # Import here to defer the import of rich (for progress bar). from .download import ATTACHMENT_FILENAME_PLACEHOLDER, download urls = [] paths = [] data_sources = self.include_data_sources().data_sources() asset_manifest = self.asset_manifest(data_sources) if len(data_sources) != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Export of multiple data sources not yet supported" ) for data_source in data_sources: bytes_link = self.item["links"]["self"].replace( "/metadata", "/asset/bytes", 1 ) for asset in data_source.assets: if len(data_source.assets) == 1: # Only one asset: keep the name simple. base_path = destination_directory else: # Multiple assets: Add a subdirectory named for the asset # id to namespace each asset. base_path = Path(destination_directory, str( if asset.is_directory: relative_paths = asset_manifest[] urls.extend( [ URL( bytes_link, params={ **parse_qs(urlparse(bytes_link).query), "id":, "relative_path": relative_path, }, ) for relative_path in relative_paths ] ) paths.extend( [ Path(base_path, relative_path) for relative_path in relative_paths ] ) else: urls.append( URL( bytes_link, params={ **parse_qs(urlparse(bytes_link).query), "id":, }, ) ) paths.append(Path(base_path, ATTACHMENT_FILENAME_PLACEHOLDER)) return download(self.context.http_client, urls, paths, max_workers=max_workers) @property def formats(self): "List formats that the server can export this data as." formats = set() for spec in self.item["attributes"]["specs"]: formats.update(self.context.server_info["formats"].get(spec["name"], [])) formats.update( self.context.server_info["formats"][ self.item["attributes"]["structure_family"] ] ) return sorted(formats)
[docs] def update_metadata(self, metadata=None, specs=None): """ EXPERIMENTAL: Update metadata via a `dict.update`- like interface. `update_metadata` is a user-friendly wrapper for `patch_metadata`. This is subject to change or removal without notice. Parameters ---------- metadata : dict, optional User metadata. May be nested. Must contain only basic types (e.g. numbers, strings, lists, dicts) that are JSON-serializable. specs : List[str], optional List of names that are used to label that the data and/or metadata conform to some named standard specification. See Also -------- patch_metadata replace_metadata Notes ----- `update_metadata` constructs a JSON Patch (RFC6902) by comparing user updates to existing metadata. It uses a slight variation of JSON Merge Patch (RFC7386) as an intermediary to implement a python `dict.update`-like user-friendly interface, but with additional features like key deletion (see examples) and support for `None (null)` values. Examples -------- Add or update a key-value pair at the top or a nested level >>> node.update_metadata({'key': new_value}) >>> node.update_metadata({'top_key': {'nested_key': new_value}}) Remove an existing key >>> from tiled.client.metadata_update import DELETE_KEY >>> node.update_metadata({'key_to_be_deleted': DELETE_KEY}) Interactively update complex metadata using a copy of original structure (e.g., in iPython you may use tab completion to navigate nested metadata) >>> md = node.metadata_copy()[0] >>> md['L1_key']['L2_key']['L3_key'] = new_value # use tab completion >>> md['unwanted_key'] = DELETE_KEY >>> node.update_metadata(metadata=md) # Update the copy on the server """ if isinstance(metadata, list) and len(metadata) == 2: if specs is None: # Likely [metadata, specs] form from node.metadata_copy() metadata, specs = metadata else: raise ValueError("Duplicate specs provided after [metadata, specs]") metadata_patch, specs_patch = self.build_metadata_patches( metadata=metadata, specs=specs ) self.patch_metadata(metadata_patch=metadata_patch, specs_patch=specs_patch)
[docs] def build_metadata_patches(self, metadata=None, specs=None): """ Build valid JSON Patches (RFC6902) for metadata and metadata validation specs accepted by `patch_metadata`. Parameters ---------- metadata : dict, optional User metadata. May be nested. Must contain only basic types (e.g. numbers, strings, lists, dicts) that are JSON-serializable. specs : list[Spec], optional Metadata validation specifications. Returns ------- metadata_patch : list[dict] A JSON serializable object representing a valid JSON patch (RFC6902) for metadata. specs_patch : list[dict] A JSON serializable object representing a valid JSON patch (RFC6902) for metadata validation specifications. See Also -------- patch_metadata update_metadata Notes ----- `build_metadata_patch` constructs a JSON Patch (RFC6902) by comparing user updates to existing metadata/specs. It uses a slight variation of JSON Merge Patch (RFC7386) as an intermediary to implement a python `dict.update`-like user-friendly interface, but with additional features like key deletion (see examples) and support for `None (null)` values. Examples -------- Build a patch for adding/updating a key-value pair at the top or a nested level >>> patches = node.build_metadata_patches({'key': new_value}) >>> patches = node.build_metadata_patches({'top_key': {'nested_key': new_value}}) Build patches for metadata and specs ("mp", "sp") >>> mp, sp = node.build_metadata_patches(metadata=metadata, specs=specs) Build a patch for removing an existing key >>> from tiled.client.metadata_update import DELETE_KEY >>> node.build_metadata_patches({'key_to_be_deleted': DELETE_KEY}) Interactively build a patch for complex metadata (e.g., in iPython you may use tab completion to navigate nested metadata) >>> md = node.metadata_copy()[0] >>> md['L1_key']['L2_key']['L3_key'] = new_value # use tab completion >>> md['unwanted_key'] = DELETE_KEY >>> node.build_metadata_patches(metadata=md) # Generate the patch """ if metadata is None: metadata_patch = [] else: md_copy = deepcopy(self._item["attributes"]["metadata"]) metadata_patch = jsonpatch.JsonPatch.from_diff( self._item["attributes"]["metadata"], apply_update_patch(md_copy, metadata), dumps=orjson.dumps, ).patch if specs is None: specs_patch = None else: sp_copy = [spec["name"] for spec in self._item["attributes"]["specs"]] specs_patch = ( [] if specs is None else jsonpatch.JsonPatch.from_diff( sp_copy, specs, dumps=orjson.dumps ).patch ) return metadata_patch, specs_patch
def _build_json_patch(self, origin, update_patch): """ Lower level method to construct a JSON patch from an origin and update_patch. An "update_patch" is a `dict.update`-like specification that may include `DELETE_KEY` for marking a dictionary key for deletion. """ if update_patch is None: return [] patch = jsonpatch.JsonPatch.from_diff( origin, apply_update_patch(origin, update_patch), dumps=orjson.dumps ) return patch.patch def _build_metadata_revisions(self): if self._metadata_revisions is None: link = self.item["links"]["self"].replace("/metadata", "/revisions", 1) self._metadata_revisions = MetadataRevisions(self.context, link) return self._metadata_revisions
[docs] def patch_metadata( self, metadata_patch=None, specs_patch=None, content_type=patch_mimetypes.JSON_PATCH, ): """ EXPERIMENTAL: Patch metadata using a JSON Patch (RFC6902). This is subject to change or removal without notice. Parameters ---------- metadata_patch : List[dict], optional JSON-serializable patch to be applied to metadata specs_patch : List[dict], optional JSON-serializable patch to be applied to metadata validation specifications list content_type : str Mimetype of the patches. Acceptable values are: * "application/json-patch+json" (See * "application/merge-patch+json" (See See Also -------- update_metadata replace_metadata """ self._cached_len = None def patcher(doc, patch, patch_type): # this helper function applies a given type of patch to the document # and returns the modified document if patch_type == patch_mimetypes.JSON_PATCH: return jsonpatch.apply_patch( doc=doc, patch=patch, in_place=False, ) if patch_type == patch_mimetypes.MERGE_PATCH: return json_merge_patch.merge(doc, patch) raise ValueError( f"Unsupported patch type {content_type}. " f"Acceptable values are: {', '.join(patch_mimetypes)}." ) assert content_type in patch_mimetypes if specs_patch is None: normalized_specs_patch = None else: normalized_specs_patch = [] if content_type == patch_mimetypes.JSON_PATCH: if specs_patch: for spec_patch in copy(specs_patch): value = spec_patch.get("value", None) if isinstance(value, str): spec_patch["value"] = asdict(Spec(value)) normalized_specs_patch.append(spec_patch) elif content_type == patch_mimetypes.MERGE_PATCH: if specs_patch: for spec in specs_patch: if isinstance(spec, str): spec = Spec(spec) normalized_specs_patch.append(asdict(spec)) data = { "content-type": content_type, "metadata": metadata_patch, "specs": normalized_specs_patch, } content = handle_error( self.context.http_client.patch( self.item["links"]["self"], content=safe_json_dump(data), ) ).json() if metadata_patch is not None: if "metadata" in content: # Metadata was accepted and modified by the specs validator on the server side. # It is updated locally using the new version. self._item["attributes"]["metadata"] = content["metadata"] else: # Metadata was accepted as it is by the server. # It is updated locally with the version submitted by the client. self._item["attributes"]["metadata"] = patcher( dict(self.metadata), metadata_patch, content_type ) if specs_patch is not None: current_specs = self._item["attributes"]["specs"] patched_specs = patcher(current_specs, normalized_specs_patch, content_type) self._item["attributes"]["specs"] = patched_specs
[docs] def replace_metadata(self, metadata=None, specs=None): """ EXPERIMENTAL: Replace metadata entirely (see update_metadata). This is subject to change or removal without notice. Parameters ---------- metadata : dict, optional User metadata. May be nested. Must contain only basic types (e.g. numbers, strings, lists, dicts) that are JSON-serializable. specs : List[str], optional List of names that are used to label that the data and/or metadata conform to some named standard specification. See Also -------- update_metadata patch_metadata """ self._cached_len = None if specs is None: normalized_specs = None else: normalized_specs = [] for spec in specs: if isinstance(spec, str): spec = Spec(spec) normalized_specs.append(asdict(spec)) data = { "metadata": metadata, "specs": normalized_specs, } content = handle_error( self.context.http_client.put( self.item["links"]["self"], content=safe_json_dump(data) ) ).json() if metadata is not None: if "metadata" in content: # Metadata was accepted and modified by the specs validator on the server side. # It is updated locally using the new version. self._item["attributes"]["metadata"] = content["metadata"] else: # Metadata was accepted as it si by the server. # It is updated locally with the version submitted buy the client. self._item["attributes"]["metadata"] = metadata if specs is not None: self._item["attributes"]["specs"] = normalized_specs
@property def metadata_revisions(self): if self._metadata_revisions is None: link = self.item["links"]["self"].replace("/metadata", "/revisions", 1) self._metadata_revisions = MetadataRevisions(self.context, link) return self._metadata_revisions def delete_tree(self): endpoint = self.uri.replace("/metadata/", "/nodes/", 1) handle_error(self.context.http_client.delete(endpoint)) def __dask_tokenize__(self): return (type(self), self.uri)