Installation Tutorial#

This tutorial covers

  • Installation using conda

  • Installation using pip

  • Installation from source


We strongly recommend creating a fresh environment.

conda create -n try-ophyd
conda activate try-ophyd

Install Ophyd from the nsls2forge conda channel maintained by NSLS-II. (The conda package will also install pyepics. It’s not needed for all use cases, but it is commonly used to enable Ophyd to work with EPICS.)

conda install -c nsls2forge ophyd

Finally, to follow along with the EPICS tutorials, you should also install caproto to run EPICS servers with simulated hardware and bluesky to orchestrate scans with the RunEngine.

conda install -c nsls2forge bluesky caproto


We strongly recommend creating a fresh environment.

python3 -m venv try-ophyd
source try-ophyd/bin/activate

Install Ophyd from PyPI.

python3 -m pip install ophyd

If you intend to use ophyd with EPICS, you should also install an EPICS client library for ophyd to use—either pyepics (recommended) or caproto (experimental).

python3 -m pip install pyepics  # or caproto if you are feeling adventurous

Finally, to follow along with the EPICS tutorials, you should also install caproto to run EPICS servers with simulated hardware and bluesky to orchestrate scans with the RunEngine.

python3 -m pip install bluesky caproto[standard]


To install an editable installation for local development:

git clone
cd ophyd
pip install -e .